RPM calculator

Revenue per mile could be great metrics to compare revenue of your websites on which you have advertising areas. This metrics is called “per mile” so is good to compare revenue. I’ve made quick calculator which should helps you. If you want to calculate RPM by your own you could just divide revenue by impressions and multiple by 1000.

RPM calculator


Website / campaign / …

Total Revenue:
Total Impressions:

The calculation of RPM is simple:
RPM = (revenue / impressions) * 1000

Comparison of RPM from your sites

When you have more sites then you should compare RPM of them bellow. Is quick and is important to know your revenue. If your revenue is higher then you could boost and invest in your user acquisitions. I personally make this comparison every time when I need to decide which website need my focus.

Website RPM calculator and comparer


First Website

Total Revenue:
Total Impressions:

Second Website

Total Revenue:
Total Impressions:

Which RPM is good for my website?

Safe response for your question is “it depends” if you make advertising on your site then your RPM depends on segment and how much advertisers is here. If your website is in niche where are higher CPM then you will have higher RPM. Usually these are segments where there are high margins and a lot of money. That’s often where you make the most money. On the other hand, in segments where there is no demand, you will unfortunately earn less.

I'm main creator of MineNiches where you should find more informations about mine small websites, small tech tools and tips for better SEO.